Invaders from Sears


Invaders from Sears was originally conceived in 1986 when future artist-known-as-Bobby-Bunny bought a then state-of-the-art sampler and grabbed fellow cult movie fan and genius weirdo Adam aka Ped Xing from Thalidomide and the One-Armed Mongoloids and started a side project as "a PIL-like synth duo". Taking their name from a misread movie theater marquee, the pair produced only three songs, but Bob, having been been turned down from joining Adam's band then holed himself away in his aunts basement with the 3 1/2 track portastudio Adam got 3rd hand from Peter Frampton and churned out 2 full length solo albums, an ep and a rarities/greatest hits collection, all to be released on his 1980s boutique cassette label, odi, and picked up on some vinyl and tape compilations by famed Connecticut punk label TPOS.


After a few shows at their alma mater the notorious budget priced suburban New York art college SUNY Purchase, fellow art students Elisa Flynn and Jeffre Dene joined in, and The Vaders became an actual live act, opening for hardcore bands in and around New England in the late 80s, confusing the punks with their glam rock look and electronic sample-based, humor-tinged proto-industrial music. Winning praise from locals Sonic Youth and fellow student Moby, The trio landed some choice gigs and had their tunes on the radio in several countries. Bob & Elisa then started a side project called BunnyBrains and the Vaders took a hiatus.


Band Photos, Posters and Lyrics




Itsallbecauseofthisstupidindustrialrevolutionnonsenseahundredcanoesatleastbasicallyanotherone ofthoselargedesktopeditionsthickansonylonplush - vocals, samples, synths, guitar, bass, percussion, toys, found objects


Pope XYZ Armadillo Mk II Deluxe - percussion, toys, found objects


Mr. Marilyn Chambers - gyration artiste





BilgeDasto 011 - Invaders From Sears - Basic Fish Architecture (album)


BilgeDasto 012 - Invaders From Sears - Reasons To Buy Cheese (album)


BilgeDasto 013 - Invaders From Sears - Fork Yer Porker


BilgeDasto 014 - Invaders From Sears - Society (1986 single)


BilgeDasto 023 - Invaders From Sears - Man Of Steel (single)



Music Videos


Watch the music video for "Car Song" from Basic Fish Architecture


Watch the music video for "Fuck You Robert Young" from Basic Fish Architecture


Watch the music video for "Fond Du Lac" from Fork Yer Porker


Watch the music video for "Man of Steel"





Invaders from Sears on Bandcamp


Invaders from Sears on Free Music Archive





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